Thursday, March 29, 2018

Blog stage 5

      People who are interested in politics might hear about this current issue. Andrew McCabe who is a 21 year veteran of FBI and the former FBI director, and he got fired before he was set to retire and gain his pension. At first glance, it is ridiculous that firing McCabe just before the day of retirement who contributed one-third of his life to protect the country. This is all about politics. There are some theories that his fire was based on the end result of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation when McCabe was head of FBI. Our president posted some posts on his social network talking about that McCabe was waiting for his retirement to earn full benefits and do not work hard enough. The president Donald Trump is too much offensive toward McCabe in this situation.

     There are also other theories that McCabe was fired was also along the lines of retaliation. McCabe' wife, Jill McCabe, ran for Senate in Virginia and had received about 700,000 dollars from Clinton's support of Jill McCabe's campaign. There are common issues with this event that both are related to Clinton.

    There is no doubt for the reason for McCabe's firing, but why did they fire him just before the day of his retirement. I think it was intended by against political groups. There should be fair processing of firing in this case, not just telling him that he got fired before the day of retirement. This is not the way of treating the person who worked for the country for 21 years. Our president Donald Trump should think about this again.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Blog stage 4

   “Trump claims to have most effective administration since Truman. It’s another huge lie.” Written by John Aravosis, and published in America Blog on 12/28/2017. In his article, Aravosis describes the statement that our president Donald Trump claimed during the CNN live broadcast.
     On 12/27/2017, Donald Trump claimed that he has had most effective first-year of any president since Truman in the earlier record. The fact the author gave us is that Trump’s statement is totally false and he didn’t even win Truman. This article itself is actually making fun of Donald Trump’s single statement. We can see that author is a strong left side not even checking his other articles. Aravosis’s intended audience would be people who interested in politics especially left sides. Since this article is posted on the left side blog, we can assume that it would cause a problem if it is posted on the politically neutral site. This article could be offensive to right side people, but the author clearly catches the point of fact that Donald Trump’s statement at the CNN live was a non-fact based statement by showing the reader the chart of listing the number of the bill signed in each president’s first year. On the chart average bill signed in the first year is about 243, but Donald Trump only had only 96 bills signed in the first year, and Truman signed 250 bills. It is true that Trump's bill signed in the first year is lowest, but we can’t say president signed up the most bill in the first year is the best president. The president can contribute in other areas to develop the quality of society.
        I think that the author of this article is only focused on making fun of the current president. Even though the chart clearly shows that Donald Trump’s statement is wrong, I can say that Aravosis is not trying to give the reader the information. The author is using many offensive words towards the current president and exaggerating another effect that causing by president’s statement in the official broadcast. I agree with some part of his argument in the article, but he should not giving us information with personal feeling toward someone on the article. Also, our current president should prepare and gather fact before he claims on the official meeting.