Thursday, March 29, 2018

Blog stage 5

      People who are interested in politics might hear about this current issue. Andrew McCabe who is a 21 year veteran of FBI and the former FBI director, and he got fired before he was set to retire and gain his pension. At first glance, it is ridiculous that firing McCabe just before the day of retirement who contributed one-third of his life to protect the country. This is all about politics. There are some theories that his fire was based on the end result of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation when McCabe was head of FBI. Our president posted some posts on his social network talking about that McCabe was waiting for his retirement to earn full benefits and do not work hard enough. The president Donald Trump is too much offensive toward McCabe in this situation.

     There are also other theories that McCabe was fired was also along the lines of retaliation. McCabe' wife, Jill McCabe, ran for Senate in Virginia and had received about 700,000 dollars from Clinton's support of Jill McCabe's campaign. There are common issues with this event that both are related to Clinton.

    There is no doubt for the reason for McCabe's firing, but why did they fire him just before the day of his retirement. I think it was intended by against political groups. There should be fair processing of firing in this case, not just telling him that he got fired before the day of retirement. This is not the way of treating the person who worked for the country for 21 years. Our president Donald Trump should think about this again.


  1. Andrew McCabe was charged with three violations of the bureaus ethics code. Which include "the lack of candor when under oath, the lack of candor when not under oath, and the improper disclosure of non-public information to the media of about the Clinton investigation" As Kyung Min Ko mentions, termination is in fact appropriate for these allegations, however the way the entire ideal played out was completely unethical. The firing Andrew McCabe one day before his retirement was done out of pure spitefulness for his position in the Clinton investigations, and Donald Trump's public remarks on the matter posted via twitter show signs of an angry and bitter man. Through the eyes of the American people, McCabe was a guilty man, but action for this should of come MUCH sooner, not the day before his retirement. This is a prime example of how cruel politics can be.

  2. Today, I want to discuss one of my colleague's blog posts Blog Five by KyungMin. In this blog post, KyungMin discusses Andrew McCabe got fired before he was set to retire and gain his pension. In his opinion, "The president Donald Trump is too much offensive toward McCabe in this situation."
    I agree with this view. Because they should publish the final results of the Hillary Clinton email incident, not like Donald Trump shows anger on Twitter.
    KyungMin also said in his blog, "This is not the way of treating the person who worked for the country for 21 years. Our president Donald Trump should think about this again." Obviously, this is a political struggle to perform in front of the public. What the people need is factual evidence and the right way to deal with it. It is not that he will be dismissed violently the day before he is about to retire.
